Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (March 1, 2025)

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (March 1, 2025) The remaining, left-over, rump, vestige, liberal left-wing socialist woke DEI alliance consists of the following national or autonomous territorial governments in the “lackey” west:  Canada, Germany, South Korea, Poland, Portugal, Spain, the Ukraine, Albania, Norway, Denmark, Slovenia, Estonia, Australia, Taiwan, Romania (the left wing annulled a Presidential election here in December 2024 because they did not like how the Romanian people voted), Belgium, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, Moldova, Montenegro, Malta, the UK, France and Iceland = 24 governments = legal jurisdiction over 6.51 percent of the global population.  44.24 percent of the reported votes in these 24 jurisdictions are center or right-of-center. And many of these countries are very small.  The bigger “keys” here which will make the façade collapse include Canada, Germany (the CDU/CSU need to wake up and cease forming coalitions with the destructive Social Democrats and the ultra-destructive Greens), the Ukraine (the money to the corrupt dictator Zelensky and his side must end 100 percent), Taiwan (the west needs to stop this issue entirely and allow Taiwan and mainland China to work together as they choose), the UK (Keir Starmer was installed by Barack Hussein Obama before the latter’s power structure collapsed to the ground, and if the election were held today Nigel Farage & his Reform Party may likely succeed) and of course France (Emmanuel Macron stands a good chance of losing to Marine LePen in an honest electoral contest).  Here is a good video released by George Galloway of the UK.  George is a socialist, and I would never vote for socialism – but he an honest man with some good common sense: If the radical left retains political power in these areas, the respective countries and jurisdictions will merely continue to fall to the ground…

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (February 1, 2025)

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (February 1, 2025) The automotive industry has been one of the leading industries worldwide for almost 140 years.  It is now experiencing the biggest and most significant changes since then due to market over-saturation and excess production capacity (largely due to human demographic changes resulting in an ageing population and due to the over-use or abuse of credit financing) and due to the change into new technologies beyond the traditional internal combustion engine powered by crude oil products such as gasoline and diesel fuel. Companies based in mainland China and those selling their retail automotive products in China now comprise 35 percent of the global market with Chinese companies manufacturing and selling 80 percent of all electric vehicles in the world.  The entire global automotive market is forecast to contract (or shrink) by half in less than one decade or less than 10 years from today – perhaps as soon as just five (5) years from now.  A channel on YouTube which reports on this daily is called “the Electric Viking.” All of the so-called “legacy” automakers based in the USA, Japan, South Korea, Germany, France and Italy may not survive these changes.  The largest automakers in the UK (formerly MG-Rover) and in Sweden (Volvo Cars) are already owned by Chinese companies – by SAIC (Shanghai Automotive Industrial Corporation) and by Geely, respectively. This alarming phenomenon is not limited to the automotive industry and is also affecting major motorcycle manufacturers such as Kawasaki of Japan (down 23 percent in annual unit sales volume since their record year of 2019).  Suzuki of Japan manufactures passenger cars & trucks plus motorcycles – they have also experienced a sales decline although not as severe (down 4 percent since 2018).  Even one very large Chinese automaker has experienced…

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (January 2, 2025)

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (January 2, 2025) Too many people today think or believe that severely elevated prices are here to stay forever.  Remember that absolutely nothing ever moves indefinitely in the same direction.  The world now finds itself in a situation where prices for pretty much everything are unnaturally high – some people refer to this phenomenon as the “everything bubble.”  Here is a recent Elliott Wave International video which talks about this subject: People also forget that following every hyperinflation in history comes deflation which tends to be even more traumatic than the hyperinflation which preceded it.  But one area where all of us yearn for a return to lower prices is at the local grocery store.  Elliott Wave International of Atlanta has a recent article about this as well: Elliott Wave International points out that the American stock market recently had its first 10-day losing streak in 50 years:  With December 18th’s 1100-point loss, the Dow experienced its first 10-day losing streak in 50 years! Is that what the latest Financial Forecast meant by “Grand Supercycle” proportions? Fluorescence is a physical transformation in which a substance absorbs light at one wavelength and emits it at another, longer wavelength. The term is used extensively in the hard sciences, “generally to analyze or track” biological molecules (Wikipedia). But the concept is also metaphorically applied to the social sciences, in situations where something hidden suddenly becomes visible under specific conditions. Just as life scientists use various techniques to extract the properties of light, the socionomist uses the lens of the Wave Principle to track the culmination of a trend in social mood. At the end of a Grand Supercycle degree peak, we find a fabulous array of previously disparate social entities. The emergence of what we…

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (December 1, 2024)

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (December 1, 2024) The incoming administration in Washington, D.C. still has until January 20, 2025 to take office and so much work must be done.  The forces behind the outgoing administration are hell-bent to start a Third World War in particular against the Russian Federation and her many global allies.  All war is bad and no war is good – there are no exceptions in particular for those on all sides who lose their lives, their property, their homes, their homelands and their family members.  The only “winners” in wars are the merchants of death – those who make money (more like steal money) off the production of armaments. The war against Russia was truly instigated by NATO and the west after the collapse of the former Soviet Union due to the deliberate expansion of NATO toward the east – first into the former Warsaw Pact nations and then ultimately into the former republics of the USSR.  The Ukraine was the final straw due to its size (second in size after Russia itself) and due to its common historical, linguistic, racial, ethnic, cultural and religious ties to Russia.  It was the American CIA which instigated the so-called “orange revolution” in the Ukraine in 2014 by the overthrow of a democratically-elected government in Kiev which was officially neutral and cordial toward the Russian Federation.  The trip wire was the current Zelensky dictatorship in Kiev which deliberately ended the cultural autonomy of its ethnic Russian citizens and which deliberately persecuted the same – hence what Russia calls its Special Military Operation which commenced in February of 2022.  This madness must stop – the entire western world must step down and step back.  The same must be said of the war in the Middle East.  The Netanyahu…

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (November 1, 2024)

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (November 1, 2024) Bobby Kennedy, Jr. tells us that a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for nuclear war:  He is correct.  The Biden-Harris Administration has brought the world to the brink of World War 3 in both Europe (the Ukraine) and in the Middle East (Israel versus occupied Palestine, Lebanon and Iran).  A third potential major front lurks against mainland China over the issue of the Chinese island of Taiwan. And the fact that nominal asset prices for stocks (S&P 500 Index on October 17, Dow Jones 30 Industrials Index on October 18 and the NASDAQ Composite Index on October 30) and real estate are at a record high does not erase the much more real fact that the global banking system teeters (USD $750 BILLION in unrealized real estate loan losses at American banks alone), that inflation in western countries has driven our cost of living to a record high, that home ownership & affordability is at a record low, that retirement savings is going down due to people pulling money out to pay basic current expenses and that the governments & and the media in the western countries tell us almost no truth. The so-called mainstream media actually used to like Donald J. Trump before he entered politics in 2016.  They turned forever against him during one of the early Republican Presidential debates in 2016 when he correctly said that the Iraq war was a huge mistake.  The American government lied to the world about alleged “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq when in fact Iraq had no such weaponry.  The ultra-corrupt Bush and Cheney families wanted war against Iraq and they lied to make that war happen.  The biggest cost of the war was the death of more…

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (October 1, 2024)

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (October 1, 2024) Here is an excellent video by Bobby (RFK, Jr.) on why it is so important and critical for what we have left of our freedoms to vote for President Donald J. Trump on November 5:  Bobby is honest, he is correct and he & former Democrats such as Tulsi Gabbard would make excellent GOP Presidential nominees in 2028, 2032 (Bobby), 2036 and 2040 (Tulsi Gabbard) to lead America into a freer, more prosperous and peaceful globe through 2045 and beyond that with a new and younger cadre of leaders. Former Democratic Senator and unsuccessful Presidential candidate John Kerry of Massachusetts recently spoke at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Switzerland – the ultra-powerful authoritarian organization led by Klaus Schwab and populated by the most powerful & sinister people on earth.  Kerry said that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution (Freedom of Speech) is a hindrance and a barrier to what he and the other members of the WEF want to do not merely in the USA but in the world.  In other words, they want to totally change, alter & forever destroy the country founded by the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The worst tyrants of the world are not the leaders of sovereign nations such as Russia, China, Iran or North Korea.  They are the willing stooges of the World Economic Forum (WEF).  They are the lackeys of United States policy steered by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and all of their willing co-conspirators in “uniparty” western governments, woke corporations, the mainstream media and the entertainment industry.  They have impoverished and thereby decimated (all but eliminated) the middle class, they promote endless wars which decimate the civilian populations of countries such as the Ukraine, Syria…

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (September 1, 2024)

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (September 1, 2024) The people at Elliott Wave International believe that a “generational” bear market began in July 2024 and that we are now in the early stages of an overall general financial, economic and social collapse.  This recent video interview of Gerald Celente by Clayton Morris on the latter’s “Redacted” channel articulates better than I can the entire global financial, economic, social and political predicament we are in: We have corrupt political leadership in the western world.  Here in the USA, pretty much the entire Democratic Party as well as a substantial majority of the Republican Party are doing the bidding of a “uniparty” which is controlled from behind the scenes – call it a “shadow government” and a “deep state.”  They have given us hyperinflation which has destroyed the middle class.  They have given us endless wars and now the very real prospect of World War 3 in Europe (the Ukraine), in the Middle East (Gaza, the West Bank of the Jordan River and Lebanon) and perhaps even against the massive colossus of Mainland China over the small island of Taiwan.  They have lied to us, oppressed us, suppressed us, silenced us, coerced us and poisoned us with their “pandemic,” their drugs & vaccines and with their overly processed foods. The “concession” speech that Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. gave recently is the best speech I have heard from an American politician in decades for the simple reason that it was honest.  No lies, no propaganda, no name-calling and no jokes – just the truth.  Bobby’s running mate Nicole Shanahan and his allies such as Tulsi Gabbard & Dennis Kucinich are equally honest and courageous in the face of a corrupt and violent world.  Bobby talked about how today’s media has little…