Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (March 1, 2025)
Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (March 1, 2025) The remaining, left-over, rump, vestige, liberal left-wing socialist woke DEI alliance consists of the following national or autonomous territorial governments in the “lackey” west: Canada, Germany, South Korea, Poland, Portugal, Spain, the Ukraine, Albania, Norway, Denmark, Slovenia, Estonia, Australia, Taiwan, Romania (the left wing annulled a Presidential election here in December 2024 because they did not like how the Romanian people voted), Belgium, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, Moldova, Montenegro, Malta, the UK, France and Iceland = 24 governments = legal jurisdiction over 6.51 percent of the global population. 44.24 percent of the reported votes in these 24 jurisdictions are center or right-of-center. And many of these countries are very small. The bigger “keys” here which will make the façade collapse include Canada, Germany (the CDU/CSU need to wake up and cease forming coalitions with the destructive Social Democrats and the ultra-destructive Greens), the Ukraine (the money to the corrupt dictator Zelensky and his side must end 100 percent), Taiwan (the west needs to stop this issue entirely and allow Taiwan and mainland China to work together as they choose), the UK (Keir Starmer was installed by Barack Hussein Obama before the latter’s power structure collapsed to the ground, and if the election were held today Nigel Farage & his Reform Party may likely succeed) and of course France (Emmanuel Macron stands a good chance of losing to Marine LePen in an honest electoral contest). Here is a good video released by George Galloway of the UK. George is a socialist, and I would never vote for socialism – but he an honest man with some good common sense: If the radical left retains political power in these areas, the respective countries and jurisdictions will merely continue to fall to the ground…