Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (September 1, 2024)

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (September 1, 2024)

The people at Elliott Wave International believe that a “generational” bear market began in July 2024 and that we are now in the early stages of an overall general financial, economic and social collapse.  This recent video interview of Gerald Celente by Clayton Morris on the latter’s “Redacted” channel articulates better than I can the entire global financial, economic, social and political predicament we are in:

We have corrupt political leadership in the western world.  Here in the USA, pretty much the entire Democratic Party as well as a substantial majority of the Republican Party are doing the bidding of a “uniparty” which is controlled from behind the scenes – call it a “shadow government” and a “deep state.”  They have given us hyperinflation which has destroyed the middle class.  They have given us endless wars and now the very real prospect of World War 3 in Europe (the Ukraine), in the Middle East (Gaza, the West Bank of the Jordan River and Lebanon) and perhaps even against the massive colossus of Mainland China over the small island of Taiwan.  They have lied to us, oppressed us, suppressed us, silenced us, coerced us and poisoned us with their “pandemic,” their drugs & vaccines and with their overly processed foods.

The “concession” speech that Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. gave recently is the best speech I have heard from an American politician in decades for the simple reason that it was honest.  No lies, no propaganda, no name-calling and no jokes – just the truth.  Bobby’s running mate Nicole Shanahan and his allies such as Tulsi Gabbard & Dennis Kucinich are equally honest and courageous in the face of a corrupt and violent world.  Bobby talked about how today’s media has little to do with real journalism and how they operate as the propaganda organ of the party in power – especially the Democratic Party in the USA and its lackeys abroad such as the Liberal Party in Canada, the Labour Party in the UK, the Social Democratic “traffic light coalition” in Germany and Emmanuel Macron’s liberal & socialist alliance in France.  RFK, Jr. also talked about the crime endless war, the pharmaceutical industry and especially the poisoning of our youth and children.

Half of the American Navy and a good chunk of the navies of countries such as the UK (the Royal Navy), the German Navy and the Japanese Navy are now deployed in the Middle East on behalf of the criminal government of Benjamin Netanyahu.  If this escalates we in the west are doomed.  Russia, China and their global allies now have 159 members of the BRICS alliance which includes a military wing with 121 countries which absolutely dwarf NATO.  And there is nothing “defensive” about NATO.  The USA and its lackeys launched a failed “invasion” of Russia’s Kursk region.  In July and August of 1943 the German Wehrmacht launched what was Germany’s final attempted offensive on the Eastern Front which ended in dismal failure and total defeat. The so-called “neo-conservative” goal today being orchestrated from the USA (very much inspired by the CIA and their so-called “non-profit think tank” the Rand Corporation) is not much different compared to what Adolf Hitler wanted to do with Europe – an empire from the Urals to the Atlantic which would basically rape, pillage & exterminate the Soviet Union, take its resources and divide it into many small and weak political entities.  The Rand Corporation has much the same in mind for today’s Russian Federation, former Soviet Central Asia and the People’s Republic of China.  Benjamin Netanyahu and his far right wing Likud Party coalition have much the same planned for the Gaza Strip, the West Bank of the Jordan River, the Syrian Golan Heights, Lebanon and beyond into the rest of the Islamic Muslim world.  Russia’s so-called “invasion” of the Ukraine in February 2022 was nothing more than self-defense for self-preservation.  NATO began this war by expanding toward the east after 1990, by instigating a coup d’etat in the Ukraine in 2014, by persecuting the ethnic Russian population in the Ukraine and by NATO’s duplicity in the Minsk Accords.

History appears to be repeating itself because the corrupt leaders in the west have not learned anything from the bloody lessons of the past.

One of my subscribers submitted an interesting proposal to end all war.  The proposal is as follows:  All persons, and their adult children, regardless of age for gender, holding elected or appointed office on the United States of America federal or 50 state levels shall, in the event of any armed conflict involving the United States of America military armed forces, serve in a ground combat unit of the United States Army or United States Marine Corps, for a period of not less than ninety (90) consecutive days, at least once every twelve (12) months, with a rank not higher than that of Corporal.

This interesting proposal should likely be extended to the corporate executives of defense contracting companies to include their family members as well – as well as to the politicians & appointed officials and defense contracting companies of all North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries.  Add to this the senior managerial officials and members of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers.

Beyond this I would like to share two interesting articles.  The first article is about the real estate market in Japan.  The Japanese market and economy peaked around 1989 when all of the real estate in Japan was actually worth all of the real estate in the USA – a country with 2.66 times the population of Japan.  Ditto with the Japanese stock market compared to the US stock market.  One of the reasons for Japan’s decline since then has been the country’s declining demographics – too few births, too many deaths, too few younger people, too many older people and smaller families.  The premise of this article is that the USA now faces something similar which will in turn affect the US real estate market in a similar way.  Note that Japan experienced almost 3 decades of falling real estate values:

143 out of 222 countries and territories on earth now have zero or negative population growth.  Demographically Japan is the 10th oldest country on earth.  By comparison Germany is the 67th oldest country in the world and the USA is the 86th oldest country on earth – such countries only gain population due to immigration because their natural rate of growth is already negative.