Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (October 1, 2024)

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (October 1, 2024)

Here is an excellent video by Bobby (RFK, Jr.) on why it is so important and critical for what we have left of our freedoms to vote for President Donald J. Trump on November 5:  Bobby is honest, he is correct and he & former Democrats such as Tulsi Gabbard would make excellent GOP Presidential nominees in 2028, 2032 (Bobby), 2036 and 2040 (Tulsi Gabbard) to lead America into a freer, more prosperous and peaceful globe through 2045 and beyond that with a new and younger cadre of leaders.

Former Democratic Senator and unsuccessful Presidential candidate John Kerry of Massachusetts recently spoke at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Switzerland – the ultra-powerful authoritarian organization led by Klaus Schwab and populated by the most powerful & sinister people on earth.  Kerry said that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution (Freedom of Speech) is a hindrance and a barrier to what he and the other members of the WEF want to do not merely in the USA but in the world.  In other words, they want to totally change, alter & forever destroy the country founded by the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

The worst tyrants of the world are not the leaders of sovereign nations such as Russia, China, Iran or North Korea.  They are the willing stooges of the World Economic Forum (WEF).  They are the lackeys of United States policy steered by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and all of their willing co-conspirators in “uniparty” western governments, woke corporations, the mainstream media and the entertainment industry.  They have impoverished and thereby decimated (all but eliminated) the middle class, they promote endless wars which decimate the civilian populations of countries such as the Ukraine, Syria and occupied Palestine today, they promote endless instability, rampant crime and mass human migration to undermine & destabilize especially the previously developed countries of the western world, they pit one group against another group via propaganda, lies and race-baiting, they poison us via pharmaceuticals (so-called legal drugs & vaccines), they poison us via over-processed & genetically modified food, they want to take away children from their parents, they want to destroy the traditional nuclear & extended human family, they want to replace traditional religion (which is overly used & abused as it is) with their own secular religion, they promote lies & scams such as “climate change” to transfer wealth & to enrich themselves even more and at the end of the day they tell the people of the world the truth about absolutely nothing.

Much and most of what the human race has been supposedly and allegedly “taught” about our own history, religious beliefs and science is simply not true.  The world is at this moment in a stage of absolute change and flux.  It is essential not merely for the USA but for the entire world that the government in the USA be better than what Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham-Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and their handlers in the likes of Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Alex Soros and Bill Gates dish us today.

Donald J. Trump has been given a totally raw deal ever since he said he opposed endless war in a very early Presidential TV debate back in 2016 – 8 long years ago.  Before that, the mainstream media actually liked him.  Since that time, they have demonized him.  Unlike most other people in so-called political life he has his own career and business.  In other words, he does not need to be in politics.  He chooses to be in politics because he wants to serve his country and the electorate.  Most other politicians are in politics only to enrich themselves via corruption.  Harris, Biden, Obama, Clinton and Pelosi are all perfect examples of people who were not originally very rich but who have enriched themselves at our expense.

The fact that Bobby Kennedy, Jr, Tulsi Gabbard and people like them are now on the Donald J. Trump bandwagon says much.  RFK, Jr. is another example of a person who does not need to be in politics – he chooses to do so because he wishes to serve his country and the electorate.  RFK, Jr. continues to carry the torch born by his uncle President John F. Kennedy by his father Robert F. Kennedy both of whom were murdered by the corrupt crony capitalist establishment – the same establishment that supports endless war, a “uniparty” setup where the big political parties are essentially the same, big pharma and the big investment banks such as Black Rock, State Street and Vanguard. 

The election on November 5, 2024 is between 2 basic choices – either we can have a Third World War which will destroy our entire world or we can return to a better and more affordable standard of living with peace instead of war.  The only sane and honest choice = Trump, Vance, Kennedy and Gabbard.