Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (March 1, 2025)
The remaining, left-over, rump, vestige, liberal left-wing socialist woke DEI alliance consists of the following national or autonomous territorial governments in the “lackey” west: Canada, Germany, South Korea, Poland, Portugal, Spain, the Ukraine, Albania, Norway, Denmark, Slovenia, Estonia, Australia, Taiwan, Romania (the left wing annulled a Presidential election here in December 2024 because they did not like how the Romanian people voted), Belgium, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, Moldova, Montenegro, Malta, the UK, France and Iceland = 24 governments = legal jurisdiction over 6.51 percent of the global population. 44.24 percent of the reported votes in these 24 jurisdictions are center or right-of-center.
And many of these countries are very small. The bigger “keys” here which will make the façade collapse include Canada, Germany (the CDU/CSU need to wake up and cease forming coalitions with the destructive Social Democrats and the ultra-destructive Greens), the Ukraine (the money to the corrupt dictator Zelensky and his side must end 100 percent), Taiwan (the west needs to stop this issue entirely and allow Taiwan and mainland China to work together as they choose), the UK (Keir Starmer was installed by Barack Hussein Obama before the latter’s power structure collapsed to the ground, and if the election were held today Nigel Farage & his Reform Party may likely succeed) and of course France (Emmanuel Macron stands a good chance of losing to Marine LePen in an honest electoral contest). Here is a good video released by George Galloway of the UK. George is a socialist, and I would never vote for socialism – but he an honest man with some good common sense:
If the radical left retains political power in these areas, the respective countries and jurisdictions will merely continue to fall to the ground economically, financially, socially and geopolitically. This is what has transpired in Germany for the last 4 years (since 2021) and it is what happened to the USA from 2021 to 2025. It looks like the incoming government in Germany will not be much better. Due to insane “green” policies, retail energy prices in Germany have increased by a crippling 9-fold in just 3 years. These policies include shutting both nuclear & coal power plants and replacing them with wind and solar plants which fail to work when there is not enough wind and/or not enough sunshine – something that does take place especially during the winter months when people need heat the most.
Germany – the heart of Central Europe (“Mitteleuropa”)
Europe is in desperate need of a brand new and comprehensive security arrangement to replace NATO once and for all. This brand new arrangement must include countries such as the Russian Federation and Belarus as equal partners, and acknowledge Russia as the number one and largest power in Europe. Germany is the largest nation in Central Europe, and the German economy (the “locomotive” of Europe) must return to good health not merely for the sake of the Germans but for all of their smaller European neighbors who do well when Germany prospers and who suffer when Germany suffers.
All German political parties across the political spectrum must abandon forever any effort for German rearmament – and the same holds true for every single nation in Europe now part of the European Union or the EFTA. There must never be any more conscription for military service – all militaries in Europe should be small, only for self-defense (no deployment outside of their own national borders) and no nuclear weaponry. War must never again take place. Remember, respect and honor the fallen of two world wars from 1914 to 1945 and ensure that war never happens again. If the fallen soldiers of all sides were to return to us today, they would all tell us that no war is worth it. Furthermore, many of them would become best of friends of they were to meet each other as individual civilians. “No more war” means “no more war” – no ifs, ands or buts. No exceptions, period.
Russia and the many countries in the vast Eurasian continent – including Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East represent to no threat whatsoever to Europe and the world. Peaceful relations must exist between all and everyone should seek to foster economic and financial trade for the benefit of all. Europeans must cease thinking of countries such as Russia, China, Iran and beyond as adversaries. Think of them instead as good neighbors, trading partners and friends. Respect their many diverse cultures, trade with them as equal business partners and visit them as friendly and respectful tourists.
Real Estate – Housing Market in the USA
In last month’s blog we discussed the un-affordability of modern housing especially in the USA, but this situation also exists in many other countries of the “lackey” west such as Canada, Australia, Germany, the UK and the Philippines. In short, nominal asset prices are absurdly high in relation to how much people can and do earn in their jobs. Regions with the highest asset prices are only “affordable” for the few people who have very much money (largely either inherited family money or people with equity interests in high technology, big pharma or the defense/war industry). These places tend to attract people based upon a mild climate, retirement communities (normally age 55 and above with no minor children) and they tend have what I will refer to as “island economies” – overly dependent upon tourism and not enough core industry or “real” industry such as manufacturing and making things which have any value. In other words, they are expensive places with too few good jobs and too many lousy jobs.
The least affordable US states in order from top to bottom are 1) Hawaii, 2) California, 3) Montana, 4) Idaho, 5) Washington, 6) Utah, 7) Oregon, 8) Arizona, 9) Colorado, 10) Nevada, 11) Massachusetts, 12) Florida, 13) New York, 14) Maine, 15) Rhode Island, 16) New Jersey, 17) New Mexico, 18) the District of Columbia, 19) New Hampshire, 20) North Carolina, 21) Vermont and 22) Tennessee. These states and Washington, D.C. are the least affordable parts of the USA. Hawaii is overly dependent upon tourism and is a magnet not just for tourists but for idle people with too much money. California used to be (past tense) very economically powerful but has been in a marked decline for some time now due to bad politics, too much crime and losing its economic base. Many of the other expensive states have become so due to so many newcomers (especially from California) moving to them. The Californians are attempting to run away from their problems, but in truth all they do is to take their problems with them and thereby burden these other areas with the exact same problems. These “new” residents also price local people out of their own areas.
Montana, Idaho, Washington, Utah, Oregon, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada definitely fall into this category. States such as Massachusetts, New York, Maine, Rhode Island, New Jersey, DC, New Hampshire and Vermont are “older” American states with historically better core economics and higher wages. Florida is an historical magnet for both tourists & retirees but is now burdened with the highest insurance rates and very high property taxes as well. New Mexico is one of the poorest states in the union and also ranks dead last in public education – it is a lesser example of the group of states to which Montana belongs. North Carolina and Tennessee are among the states in the old South which have been the most dramatically changed for the much the same reason as Montana and New Mexico – they have been overrun by newcomers from the coastal northern states and from more affluent states from which residents have been fleeing.