Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (June 1, 2024)
Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (June 1, 2024) Elliott Wave International of Atlanta, Georgia recently posted a video about the forces of deflation in Mainland China: The main American stock market indices (still driven by credit inflation and hyperinflation) reached nominal highs yet again on May 20, 2024 (the Dow Jones 30 Industrial Index = 40,077.40), on May 28, 2024 (the NASDAQ Composite Index = 17,032.66) and on May 23, 2024 (the Standard & Poors 500 Index = 5,341.88). Credit inflation remains driven by the US Federal Reserve System and by other similar quasi-government central banks around the world – they are in fact privately owned and interest rates continue to remain artificially low. Interest rates should be much higher than they are now to tame the hyperinflation which is rampant in the USA and in the lackey allied countries of the USA in the European Union, the European Free Trade Association, Canada, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines and a few other more minor countries. The situation in the aforementioned countries is not much different from what they were in the former eastern bloc prior to the collapse of the former Soviet Union in 1991. Hyperinflation MUST be tamed to preserve whatever little is left of the purchasing power value of the fiat currencies in these most poorly governed countries. And the next stage of collapse after hyperinflation (deflation) has already reared its ferocious head in many other places around the world including right here in the USA – in fact in the most expensive real property market in the country which is the San Francisco, California Bay Area – specifically in the commercial property market in the City of San Francisco where at least two large office buildings were recently sold for an investor loss from…