Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (April 2, 2021)
Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (April 2, 2021) Citigroup has finally admitted that Bitcoin may indeed become the new global currency of the future. As always, large entities such as commercial banks are very late into the game. This admission merely proves that this is already taking place right now. The US Federal Reserve is planning an official American cryptocurrency which will eventually replace the paper fiat US Dollar (the so-called “Fedcoin” due in a few years………….too little & too late). The USA is entering this field very late, behind many other countries – especially in Asia. This is yet more evidence of the inflation (even hyperinflation) decimating the US Dollar and other primary global currencies such as the Euro and the Pound Sterling. Hyperinflation has no mercy whatsoever. Do you remember what happened to the former German Reichsmark during the time period of the Weimar Republic (1918-1933)? During the devastating hyperinflation of 1923, one BILLION German Reichsmarks could not even purchase one pound of butter. If this were to happen today (very likely considering what is already happening to the values between paper fiat currencies and digital electronic cryptocurrencies backed by high technology, the Blockchain & Artificial Intelligence) we will see retail prices increase by a whopping ten million fold. The first step toward “basic minimum income” in the USA (i.e. “welfare for almost everyone) were the first 3 “retail” stimulus packages in the USA under both the Trump and the Biden Administrations. There were also at least 5 “corporate” welfare stimulus packages (i.e. subsidies for certain industries and businesses). Starting in July 2021, something of a monthly child welfare credit will go into place. The Blockchain is a part of this. The great “global economic reset” is already underway. The second step will be the “global currency…