Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (September 1, 2019)
Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (September 1, 2019) The topic chosen for the September 2019 blog is due to a request from one of our readers, who asked that I comment on the subject of environmental degradation (climate change), specifically with respect to natural resources backing global currencies, credit and wealth – all of which equal global power. His particular interest is in Bougainville Island (an autonomous region within the nation of Papua New Guinea), which is home to very large deposits of gold mine deposits. This is of global importance due to the fact that precious metal assets (especially gold bullion) must ultimately back national currencies. The largest untapped underground gold reserves in the world today are in 1) Grasberg (West Papua, Indonesia), 2) South Deep (near Johannesburg, South Africa), and in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. The USA has been the world’s number one economic, military and colonial power especially since the end of World War 2. The dominance by the USA is basically a continuation of British world power which lasted from the time of the English & Dutch defeat of the Spanish naval Armada (in 1588) until the end of World War 2 when Germany & Japan had weakened England to the point where she could no longer be the number one power in the world (in 1945). Spain and her Iberian neighbor Portugal emerged as Germanic states which overthrew the yoke of Islamic colonialism on the Iberian Peninsula in the 13th century A.D. to become world naval powers which initiated their own colonial domination over most of Latin America & the Caribbean, the southwestern USA, much of the Pacific (the Philippines, Guam and Micronesia) and parts of Africa. The ancient world witnessed the rise of numerous regional empires. In the Americas, they included the Inca…