Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (June 1, 2019)
Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (June 1, 2019) Before proceeding to this month’s number one topic (China), I would like to say that the American policy of a global trade war must not be allowed to continue. The combined worldwide cost of this insanity now stands at USD $33 TRILLION. It is opposed internationally as well as by the leadership of the American business community. The broader US equity market is flirting with a corrective bear market – it is down by a cumulative 12 percent in 8 months. The European parliamentary election of last weekend confirms a disturbing long term trend since Europe commenced popular elections in 1979 – the main political groupings of Christian Democrats, Social Democrats (socialists), Free Democrats (liberals) and even the “new” left (communists) have seen their fortunes plummet. The 2 groups which have gained since 1979 are the Greens (the environmentalists) but especially the far right wing (up from just 3 percent of the popular vote to an astounding 24 percent of the popular vote). The far right wing plays upon issues such as immigration, fear, trade wars, old nationalism and divisiveness, but they offer no constructive alternatives for the future. The mainstream parties of the postwar period (especially the Christian Democrats, Social Democrats and Liberals) need to address these fears of the electorate, and in order to do so they need to backtrack on the centralization of power in Brussels and Strasbourg. They need to direct today’s European Union (EU) to become more like the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – much like the EU used to be decades ago. CHINA An ongoing and very current topic in my monthly blog has been the subject of the evolving and changing balance of power in the world – in other words, the decline…