Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (October 1, 2021)
Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (October 1, 2021) It is so sad to see happen and to have to say, but the USA today is collapsing much like the former USSR did in 1991. We could be about one month away from a default on the US national debt, which will likely translate into a massive deflationary collapse following the current bout with hyperinflation. The last time something like this happened in world history was between 1923 and 1949. In 1923, a number of countries in Central Europe experienced hyperinflation due to the burdens placed upon them by the Treaty of Versailles (1919). These countries included Germany, Austria, the Free City of Danzig and Poland. Hyperinflation especially devastated the middle class. These countries did try to recover after 1923, but the deflationary collapse of 1929 (the stock market crash) totally destroyed whatever progress they had made over the 6 year period from 1923 to 1929. The deflationary collapse of 1929 was a worldwide phenomenon which was not even totally “cured” by the massive global deficit spending due to World War Two (1939 to 1945). In the USA, stock prices, rents and real estate prices did not recover their 1929 nominal values until 1949 – 20 years after the fact. The emerging demographic collapse (which will eventually translate into a massive deflationary economic and financial collapse) evident in the USA is by no means confined to America – it is entirely global in its scope. A recent poll of 45,000 major global employers found that 69 percent of them now have severe problems in filling positions (jobs). Things are so bad that they are willing to hire inexperienced people and train them, which is very costly and time-consuming. The situation will not get better – it will only get worse…