Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (August 1, 2020)
Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (August 1, 2020) The stock market indices continue to remain near record high nominal values despite the fact of very few companies remaining profitable and GDP down by as much as 55 percent as of June 5th (per the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank). When reality sets in, expect both the equity and real estate markets to drop to near zero. 30 percent of Americans failed to pay their monthly mortgage debt in June – which now exceeds the percentage of the US labor force laid off since the start of the pandemic (54 million Americans already having filed for first time unemployment benefits = 32 percent of the 167 million people in the US labor force at the start of the pandemic). According to a study by the University of California at Santa Cruz, up to 66 percent of businesses in the USA have shut down permanently since February 2020. 80 percent of Americans are now paying only part or none of their monthly debt servicing obligations according to the NSA (National Security Agency). 60 percent of all restaurants in the USA have shut permanently since March 2020 according to a survey done by The largest pension fund on earth is the Japanese government pension fund, and it lost 11 percent of its value in the first quarter of 2020. Pensions worldwide (regardless of country) are in a similar predicament. Remember that most equity funds consistently UNDERPEFORM the general stock market indices – this has been the case for decades – so much for “professional” management. The German auto market was off by 35 percent in June 2020, but the Chinese auto market (the largest market on earth) has seen record sales for the past 2 months and is now selling new vehicles…