Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (April 1, 2024)

Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (April 1, 2024)

The Dow Jones 30 Industrials Index hit a record nominal high of 39,889.05 and the NASDAQ Composite Index reached a record high of 15,538.86 on March 21, 2024.  The S&P 500 Index hit a record nominal of high 5,264.85 on March 28, 2024.  According to Elliott Wave technical analysis the stock market has never been so severely overly bullish or overbought.  Nicholas Gerli of Reventure Consulting (an excellent YouTube channel about real estate investing with 502,000 subscribers) says something similar with respect not just to stock prices but to real property prices as well.  Clayton & Natalie Morris (husband & wife veterans of Fox news) agree – their “Redacted” and “Morris Invest” channels have more than 2,547,000 subscribers.  Many huge market players such as Warren Buffett, Tim Cook and Jamie Dimon are selling their own shares to the point of bailing out of their companies.  Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffett’s holding company) is currently hoarding an unprecedented USD $157 BILLION in cash – this per Christopher Greene of AMTV (678,000 subscribers).  This video by Elliott Wave International of Atlanta, Georgia shows how many insiders are selling in a big way and how they are hoarding cash in anticipation of bad times ahead:

The main topic of this month’s blog is the current state of global representative government, or democracy (or the lack thereof).  The topic of “democracy” has been over-used, abused and beaten to death by the so-called mainstream media.  The current administration in Washington, D.C. and its circa 40 lackey countries around the world enjoy standing upon a soapbox and lecturing the rest of the world about how to think, talk, act and vote.  In truth what they are doing has nothing to do with promoting freedom or democracy.  It is much closer to promoting their own authority, to promote their own dictatorship and to promote their own form of modern colonialism or imperialism – a modern day equivalent of the so-called “white man’s burden” of the past – dictating to the peoples of the southern hemisphere how to live, worship, act, think and vote.  It was all rubbish and rot back then, and it is so again today.

Most countries in the modern world have had or do have some form of multiparty representation in their legislatures.  This includes current nation states such as Russia, China and Iran and it included the former Warsaw Pact or Comecon countries of Eastern Europe.  Even North Korea has more than one “party” in its national legislature.  There are not too many historical examples of countries with bona-fide one party legislatures – one that stands out is the former Third Reich after the National Socialist Party banned all other political parties from 1934 to 1945.

The USA and its lackey allies are governed by so-called mainstream political parties which truth in have very few important differences.  When voters elect a “new” government they rarely get something truly different.  In the USA this is referred to as the “uniparty” phenomenon.  If one looks at the so-called elected representatives in Congress, one sees that something like 99 percent of Democrats and 90 percent of Republicans vote the same way especially when it comes to issues such as the forever-wars, the national debt, big pharma, investment banking and tax code laws.  Much the same can be said for the lackey governments in countries such as Canada and the European Union (EU).  Even worse, standing governments in countries such as the USA and Germany are attempting to ban their primary political opponents.  This type of behavior makes them no better (it likely proves them to be even worse) than the governments they attack all over the world.

In the USA, the Biden administration is having its own appointed and corrupted judges and courts persecute both its number one Republican opponent (Donald John Trump) and its number one formerly Democratic and now Independent opponent (Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.) – they have gone so far as to deny Kennedy protection by the Secret Service.  They are also attempting to prevent Mr. Kennedy from even appearing on the Presidential ballot for most American states.

The 27 countries of the European Union (EU) will hold so-called elections for a new session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Alsace (France) between June 6 and 9, 2024.  Fully 36 percent of European voters are likely to support political parties which the governing parties in Europe label as “unacceptable.”  In truth it is not these parties outside of the so-called political mainstream which are not democratic – it is the governing parties which are behaving in a way which is undemocratic.  A primary example is that of the Federal Republic of Germany.  The second largest political party in public opinion polls is the conservative “Alternative for Germany” party (“AfD” initials in the German language) which is constantly falsely accused in the mainstream media of being “neo-Nazi.”  This accusation is inaccurate, unfair and is nothing less than character assassination.  The AfD stands for things such as ending the forever wars (especially the one in the Ukraine being waged against the Russian Federation), controlling illegal immigration, ending the “woke” political social agenda being pushed on the national or federal level and ensuring the financial solvency of the overall pension system.  None of this is undemocratic in any way, shape or form.  On the other side of the German political spectrum is the new “Bund Sarah Wagenknecht” – named after its number one candidate and standing for an immediate end to the forever war against Russia and for an end to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

If any parties need to be considered for a “ban” it should be the so-called mainstream political parties in the western countries which are behaving like the fascists of the past.  In other words, parties led by people who will not tolerate anyone else who disagrees with them.  In this sense, the western countries need to return to a sense of “normalcy” which existed decades ago.