Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (March 1, 2021)
Financial, Economic and Social Mood Update (March 1, 2021) Bitcoin reached yet another record high on the primary markets on February 21, 2021 of USD $58,330.57. Bitcoin comprises 61 percent of all USD $5.629 TRILLION global cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology market capitalization (as of February 26, 2021) – this greatly enhanced figure includes “fully diluted market capitalization” as well as the circulating supply of the top 75 cryptocurrencies worldwide plus the market value of companies such as Telsa and others who now accept and use cryptocurrencies for financial transactions (such as VISA and MasterCard). Bitcoin and its direct derivatives (coins launched as Bitcoin spinoffs and/or launched by the founders of Bitcoin) comprise 95 percent of all global cryptocurrency market capitalization. More importantly, prices on the secondary markets (i.e., legitimate offers of sales & purchases between any and all individual potential sellers & buyers) have already gone to the moon – a Bitcoin BTC domain name at USD $11,001,600.00 and an Ethereum ETH Wallet at USD $1,222,406.11 for sale from Austria as of February 26, 2021 (this is NOT a typo), single Bitcoins have sold for at least USD $60,000 on E-Bay, asking prices for single Bitcoins on E-Bay are as high as USD $299,999, Litecoin LTC at USD $795, Basic Attention Token BAT at $15.99 and Orchid OXT at USD $3.00 are but a few valid current examples. The so-called pseudonym of the Bitcoin founder “Satoshi Nakamoto” is not a real individual person, but a group or consortium of people and companies in places such as northern California’s Silicon Valley and beyond. The world’s 2,095 USD billionaires are worth a combined USD $8 TRILLION, and much of this is now due to the extremely high value of high technology. So-called “old money” has died off to a very large degree…